Hillel is an integral part of student life at Trinity. The Student Board is a group of talented and dedicated student leaders who come together weekly to plan all the social, cultural, religious and educational programming that Hillel offers. Hillel student leaders have great opportunities to build bridges and create connections with other groups on campus as well as co-sponsor a myriad of events with many cultural and theme houses as well as academic departments.

Hillel Leadership Council 2020-21 

Joshua Jacoves
Hillel President
Hi everyone! My name is Joshua and I am a Sophomore from Central New Jersey studying Anthropology and Political Science. This year, I serve as the Hillel President, and I am very excited for a year full of events, and good memories and food! For me, my favorite memory at Hillel was fasting for Yom Kippur with friends all day in the Hillel House. If you need to reach me, send me an email at [email protected].

Steph Garvis
Communications Vice President
Hi! I’m Steph Garvis. I am in the class of 2023, and am the Communications VP at Hillel. I’m from Plymouth, Minnesota, and am majoring in Neuroscience. My favorite memory with Hillel is baking rainbow challah while dancing to early 2000’s pop music with my friends at the Hillel house. It was so much fun to be making bread – that looked and tasted amazing – with all my friends, and getting to have a little escape from school! If you’d like to reach me, email me at [email protected].

Head shot of Challah for Hunger Co-Chair, Irene PowlickIrene Powlick
Challah for Hunger Co-Chair
Hi! I am Irene Elise Powlick, a member of the Class of 2022, and the Challah for Hunger Co-Chair on HLC. I am from Salt Lake City, Utah, and am studying biology. My favorite Jewish food is hamentashen, especially with poppy seeds! I look forward to virtually baking and exploring Jewish food with you this year. To be in contact with me, please email me at [email protected].