艾米丽·威克尔斯,20岁, who is pursuing a major in psychology and a minor in rhetoric, 写作, 和全球十大网赌正规平台的媒体研究, 是15个一年级学生的导师. She is involved in the 合资企业三一 women’s leadership program, 纽曼俱乐部, 和Alpha Chi Omega的Lamda Mu章节, and is a 写作 intern for Trinity’s Office of Communications for the fall 2019 semester. 下面, Wickles reflects on her experience in the First-Year Seminar Program as a mentor to new Trinity students:


The first year of college can be an overwhelming time for incoming students who are living in a new place, 结识新朋友, 适应新的日常生活. When I arrived at Trinity, I had never lived away from home. While I could not stop smiling, my stomach was filled with butterflies and excitement. I was able to overcome the initial challenges of starting college with the help of the mentor assigned to my first-year seminar. 作为大四学生, I now feel honored to uphold the first-year mentor legacy and provide guidance and support to students in the Class of 2023.

Upon their arrival at Trinity, students enroll in a first-year seminar in the fall semester. The seminars are normally small and discussion-based, so t在这里 is lots of collaboration and conversation. 每次研讨会都有不同的主题, 通常是基于教授的激情, and includes a mentor from the junior or senior class. 我很荣幸 伦道夫李 ’66, associate professor of psychology and director of Trinity’s Counseling and Wellness Center, asked me to be this year’s mentor for his seminar, 心灵/身体和正念的概念.”

The “Clinical Psychology” and “Psychotherapy” courses I had taken previously with Professor Lee taught me the importance of being in tune with one’s emotions and assisting those who are struggling. A healthy and supportive environment can dramatically affect a student’s sense of self, 幸福, 和动力. 在全球十大网赌正规平台期间, I have tried to create a supportive environment for myself and others; I have been a mentor for a variety of programs—like 合资企业三一 and the Big Sister-Little Sister Program—and within the classroom as a teacher’s assistant. Each of these experiences has been rewarding and taught me more about myself, so I was happy to accept Professor Lee’s invitation to be a first-year mentor.

Mentors provide support from a student perspective, 无论是在社会上还是学术上, 以一种教职员工无法做到的方式. I believe it is my responsibility to help students form their identities at Trinity and find their place on campus. 我很自豪知道这一点, 作为一名高年级学生, I can advocate for first-years and always have their backs. It’s good for them to see a friendly face on the Long Walk, 尤其是刚开学的那几个星期. 21岁的山姆·麦卡锡, a sociology major with a community action minor and the mentor for “Lights, 相机, 社会:电影中的社会学,”, “作为第一年研讨会的导师, we provide students with support both inside and outside of the classroom to assist with their transition to college.”

Part of my duties includes helping my mentees with course registration and exploration. I encourage them to take a few foundation classes and then at least one “passion course.” Many of my first-year students are interested in psychology, 作为一名心理学专业的大四学生, I can offer honest advice about what I have found helpful and what I would do differently. 关于专业的对话, 未成年人, and courses happen during frequent academic check-ins I hold during the semester.

To help the mentors host events and bond with their first-year students outside of class, the 第一年的研讨会计划 为每个导师提供预算. 我相信食物创造了一种社会环境, so I make sure each of my events includes something to eat. I try to make the events fun so students feel comfortable and willing to share how they are feeling. I knew I could always go to my first-year mentor to talk, and I want my mentees to feel the same.

大学里有很多空闲时间, 为了让这种转变更容易, I encourage first-year students to get involved in Trinity’s community. I feel it is valuable to hear genuine advice from a peer, so I am open and honest about my campus involvement, which includes organizations ranging from academic, 宗教, 社会. 如果我有一堆会议要参加, 它使我更容易计划我的家庭作业, 锻炼, 还有朋友时间. Staying busy helps me to stay organized and succeed, so I have passed that advice on.

A first-year seminar is a place w在这里 students can feel safe asking for help. It’s important to acknowledge the seriousness of the course, 但也要强调这是一次学习的经历. I use the seminar as an opportunity to teach my first-years organization, 守时, 和维护自己的权利, and to help them see how to conduct themselves professionally over email and in person. I want my mentees to walk away from their seminar feeling confident in their ability to communicate effectively with college faculty, 工作人员, 和管理, and to make the best use of all the resources Trinity has to offer.

Mentee-mentor relationships do not and should not stop after the seminar is over. These relationships are indicative of a greater mentoring culture at Trinity in which students feel a sense of accountability and willingness to help with the well-being of others. Personally, I remained friends with my mentor even after my first semester of college. I hope my students know I am always 在这里 to support them throughout their first year and beyond.


To learn more about Trinity’s First-Year Seminar Program, click 在这里.


